الخميس، 9 أبريل 2009

Should I Try Network Marketing?

Well, this industry has had more than its fair share of charlatans...maybe only the legal profession and politics have had a higher percentage of lowlifes and bad seeds. But, there are legitimately good network marketing opportunities out there. And after you find one of them, you'll need to know what you're doing. Why do legitimate network marketing opportunities work? There are certain core business elements that they make use of better than most other businesses, that's why. Let's look at what they are

One thing about network marketing businesses is that they use leveraging. Leveraging is arguably the most powerful money making technique there is. When you leverage, you use a small effort to get a big result. All of the wealthy, powerful, and successful people in the world use leveraging to one degree or another.
Why is leveraging so important? Because the most gifted and talented person in the world is still limited by time and finite energy. All you can do is all you can do, no matter who you are. But what if you could get paid on some of the efforts of numerous other people instead of having to rely just on your own?

With Traditional Network Marketing Businesses, you aim to position yourself so that you are getting paid a nickel out of every dollar that other people earn through their working efforts. The premise being that nickel from just one or a few people doesn't add up to much...but what if we are talking about hundreds of people? Thousands of people? If you have 1,000 people in your network each paying you a nickel out of every dollar they make through their efforts, every time they all just make one dollar each, you make $50! So every time each and every one of them earns $1,000 as an individual, you have made $50,000 for yourself!

But what if YOUR Network Marketing Business was different? What if you could make large amounts of money from DAY ONE, whilst also working to build a large residual income from your team? You would also need to be sure that the company you join provides you with full support and training.

Leveraging is all about the initial set-up. That's where 98% of your total work in the business comes in. Set up initial conditions the right way, and you'll be making money in your sleep and while you're on a pleasure trip somewhere.

So, along with leveraging comes residual income. This means you get paid over and over and over again for work you did just one time. This scheme does not exist in the traditional employer-employee salaried relationship. In that relationship, you work one hour and get paid a set amount for that hour--one time. Then that hour's gone and, once you spend an hour's worth of money, so is all of the reward for you efforts. With residual income, your work is appreciated and rewarded time and time again.

And here's the other offshoot result of leveraging: your business grows through duplication. Your whole business, after a relatively short time, becomes training others to do what you did in the first place. So, to use a simplistic illustration, instead of going through the trouble and expense of opening up five offices, you open up one office, then train four other people to go open up an office just like you did. Then each one of them trains four more people to that...and, you are getting paid a cut of the profits from every single new office that ever gets opened up, even though you only opened up one yourself!

So, the thing that you leverage in network marketing is your knowledge. It's just mind over matter!
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